
I’m Justyna, a Career and Life Coach and the woman behind Brand YOU.


My clients describe me as passionate, insightful and honest. My family and friends would add fun-loving, decisive, impatient, outside-the-box thinker and rule-breaker!

I am an optimist, life lover and happiness seeker, on a mission to help you create the career and life you LOVE.

I want you to wake up every morning excited about the day ahead.

I want you to have a job that has meaning for you, a job that makes you feel fulfilled, a job that makes you grow and gets you closer to your goals.

I want you to be confident and proud of what you have achieved so far.

I want you to believe in yourself and that you can achieve anything you want.


And most importantly, I want you to enjoy every moment of that journey.

Scroll up to read about my why


My Bio

Justyna, is a leading Executive Life+ Health Coach, Personal Development Mentor, Corporate Wellbeing Consultant and Speaker.  She holds Bsc in Law, she certfied as a Life Coach from the exclusive Life Class School led by Jacqueline Hurst. She is a graduate and Certified Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Over the last decade Justyna trained with the best teachers in the industry from Tony Robbins to Brendon Burchard to master the science of the mind and high performance. She  spent over 10 years working for UK corporates, helping individuals and companies grow, develop and succeed. Throughout her career Justyna worked with hundreds of individuals from graduates, to leaders and CEOs, helping them utilise their talents, grow their career and achieve success in both their personal and professional lives. She has also worked closely with businesses to help them attract, retain and develop their best talent through creating and implementing strategies to match personal success with the success and vision of the organisation. Her personal experience of going from burnout to creating  a successful and fulfilling career and life, combined with her natural talent and passion for bringing out the best in people and helping them see their talents and grow, makes her a go-to expert when it comes to creating successful life without stress, burnout and sacrifice 


And how do I know this? Because I was there...

Scroll up to read my story

My Story

My Story

I feel like we have met already, as I was like you…

I was always on the go.. always in the rush to do more, be more. I was driven by success, to have an amazing career, lots of money, great holidays, clothes….  Career was all it mattered. I worked a lot, I took all the projects, I moved the jobs, to get a promotion, to climb a ladder, to earn more money. I didn’t have time to look after my relationships, to look after my body, to look after my health. And it never felt I was doing enough, I could always do more, be more, be better. On the outside, I looked like I had it all, I was “ successful”, I was strong and confident. I had it all together, I had it all figured out.

On the inside, my life was falling apart. I was overwhelmed and exhausted,  I was barely keeping my head above the water. I struggled to keep up with the demands of the job and life. I was stressed and found it more and more difficult to concentrate and think clearly.  I was tired, but I was pushing for more and felt guilty every time I allowed myself to stop. I felt like I was in it on my own, I was too embarrassed to ask for help , because I was always the one motivating and helping others.


Suffering burnout at the age of 27 was my wake-up call to realise that living that way is not sustainable. I was “successful”, yet felt the most unhappy and low in my life. I didnt feel important, I didn't feel worthy. I wasn’t sure what I want anymore, or who I was, as for the last 10 years I have been defining myself and my worth though my job title and status. Stone heavier, I felt unhealthy with  a lot of digestive and skin issues and no energy to so something about it. I wasn't enjoying life, I lost my sparkle. After 3 failed relationships I still didn’t know who I want to be or how to find him, the only thing I knew was that I don’t want to be on my own.

That was a moment I decided something had to change. I had enough, enough of feeling miserable and unhappy, enough of pretending, enough of comparing myself to others and always feeling not good enough. Enough of waiting to feel important and like I matter, to be approved and accepted by others. I was determined not to give up on my dreams and to find a way to have it all and to live my best life! 


For the last decade, I have invested thousands in working with the best coaches and  personal development programmes. What initially was my quest to figure out my life became my passion and eventually my business, as I so want to help others to have it all!.I certified with one of the best UK’s Life Coaches Jaqueline Hurst, I graduated from the most innovative and cutting edge Nutrition Schools- Institute of Integrative Nutrition as a Health Coach. I trained with Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Vishen Lakhiani, Lisa Nichols, Marisa Peer and many others

Throughout my journey, I re- defined what success, happiness and health meant to me, I discovered who I was, what I wanted and what was  important to me. I learnt that the only person in a way of having it all and living my dream life was ME. I uncovered and overcome thoughts, behaviours, fears, doubts that made me feel stressed, overwhelmed and not enough. I learned to respect myself, to look after myself and  to support myself. I created a vision for my life and roadmap to get there. I learnt that to have a truly fulfilling, amazing and extraordinary life, you have to balance your career, your relationships, your health and your personal growth, and when you do that, you are unstoppable! 

I'm still on that journey, Every time I take my life to the next level, I need to upgrade my mindset, learn new skills and new habits that will help me get there. But,  I'm the happiest, healthiest and most successful I’ve been yet. I’ve got more time than ever and more fun than ever. 

There are always challenges, but now I see them as a pointer in the right direction,  I know how to overcome them and enjoy the journey. 


If I could get from burnout to happiest, healthiest and most successful life, so can YOU! 

Let me help you create the most inspiring, fulfilling, loving and joyful life! 

This is your life, this is your chance, this is your choice ! 

Scroll up to read about my philosophy

My Philosophy

My Philosophy

I’m a big believer:

I believe we all CAN be successful and happy!

I believe you have everything you need to be successful, you just might not see it yet.

I believe success starts in your mind, what you believe, what you think about yourself and say to yourself determines the quality of your life.

I believe if we knew how, we would already be there.

I believe if you want to change your life, you need to change your thoughts first.

I believe you can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.

I believe people see in you what you see in yourself - self-awareness is the first step to lasting change.

I believe that to succeed in today’s life, we need to bring our unique strengths, passions and talent to the table.

I believe there is no such a thing as failure. You only fail if you don’t try.

I believe you can achieve whatever you put your mind to.

I believe you are amazing.


I believe in YOU.

Scroll up to read about my inspirations

My Inspirations

My Inspirations

“If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want already and copy what they do and you will achieve the same results” - Tony Robbins

The last 7 years of my journey have been magical. By no means am I saying they were easy, or I haven’t had bad days when I was fed up.  But that’s not life,hey. If everything was easy, life would be much less exciting. I live by my life motto - Carpe diem. I wake up every morning to do everything in my power to make the most of each day and focus on what makes me happy.

Because life is too short to live it for someone else’s expectations!


My favourite teachers

When I started on my journey, there was no-one to show me the way. I had some wonderful coaches who I will be grateful to forever.  But my determination and obsession to live life on my terms meant I spent hundreds of hours studying the people I most admired and training with the best. I have been privileged to complete various training programmes by Tony Robbins, Wayne W. Dyer, Brendon Burchard, John Assaraf, Vishen Lakhiani, Lisa Nichols, T. Harv Eker, Michael Beckwith, Jon Butcher and many more.


My  favourite books

It’s a difficult choice as there are so many wonderful books out there to inspire you. But these are the ones, which have influenced me the most.

  • “Life is a gift”- Gill Edwards

  • “Feel the fear and do it anyway”- Susan Jeffers

  • “Happiness Advantage”- Shawn Achor

  • “Code of the Extraordinary Mind”- Vishen Lakhiani

  • “How to win friends and influence people” - Dale Carnegie


My favourite quotes

You probably know by now, I love inspirational quotes: there is nothing that inspires you more to keep going.


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